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Principles: Consciousness, Perception, Imagination



You have entered the Future Thought Lab.


Here you find the philosophers in a library of unceasing aisles, corridors, and shelves. They read, murmur, and scribble formulae. They are throwing dice with answers that perhaps should not be uncovered. 


You encounter a thinker roaming among the bookcases. He is in search of a volume of riddles. He is The Trickster. His ears are attuned to the coming storms of time and space, and he speaks in tongues that mix all existing languages with lost idioms and invented dialects. He is the master of simultaneity, witnessing, and the veil. 


The Trickster gives you the following clue below.

Read and choose your future wisely afterward.

Image: David Spriggs, Origins (2018)


Thinking takes time—the chrono·logical time of seconds/minutes/hours/days/years in addition to the chrono-illogical time of those ‘flashes of insight’ & ‘inspired epiphanies’ that occur in what the Ancient Greeks called the kairos [[καιρÏŒς]] as opposed to chronos [[χρÏŒνος]]. Thus we present the possibility that our machines of acceleration have accelerated [[hence contracted]] the speed [[hence the time]] of thinking to the point of pushing it into the instant—the kairos—entirely.


Example: In Frank Herbert’s novel Dune, his humans-of-the-future can physically and conceptually ‘fold space’ with the assistance of accelerating technology and consciousness-expanding spice-supplements.  At present and in the only-slightly-less-fictional [[&/or alternative-fiction]] world of our current reality, quantum computing looms large and leans heavily in similar directions. 


Post_002/003: Time To Think/Taking A Position

by Dan Mellamphy


Image: Xetobyte, ‘The Time Traveler’, 21 March 2009



You have read the clue of the

Future Thought Lab.


The Trickster speaks out of both sides of his mouth. His words turn on themselves and spill like pebbles scattered on the ground to diagram some impossible theorem.


He tells you that truths are crooked, and holds two boxes in either hand. The first is light; the second is heavy. 



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